They Win You Win

 Negotiating is both an art and a science and is often the toughest part of completing a deal. How do you get what you want without alienating the buyer and jeopardizing future business? This four-part course explores how to negotiate agreements that leave everyone feeling like a winner.
Prerequisite: Knowing the Customer's Buying Process

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, negotiate, negotiating, Negotiation, buyer, win:win, deal, closing, close deal, negotiation style, negotiating style

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They Win You Win

They Win You Win 1 - How Can You Both Win?
They Win You Win 1 - How Can You Both Win?
What a win:win negotiation is, why it's preferred, and the stages involved in reaching one
They Win You Win 2 - Preparing For Both to Win
They Win You Win 2 - Preparing For Both to Win
 Describes in detail the first two stages in the negotiating process: initial thoughts and preparation.
They Win You Win 3 - Recognizing Styles and Tone
They Win You Win 3 - Recognizing Styles and Tone
 Explores the five common negotiating styles, how to recognize and work with, and when a change of style is a good idea
They Win You Win 4 - The Winning Meeting
They Win You Win 4 - The Winning Meeting
 A detailed discussion of the final three steps in the negotiating process: the discussion agreement, and follow-up.
They Win You Win

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$19.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 128 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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