Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective

Buyers often decide to make a purchase when they discover a risk or opportunity related to the product or service you are selling. This topic shows you how to uncover that risk or opportunity and guide the buyer toward making the desired discovery. It then provides a framework for a conversation that moves the buyer forward toward a ‘yes'.
Prerequisites: Knowing the Customer's Buying Process, Insight Selling

Keywords: sales, B2B, salesperson, Customer, selling technique, sales process, buying process, commitment, win rate, conversion rate, buyer

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Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective

Discovery with a Buyers Perspective 1 - Introduction
Discovery with a Buyers Perspective 1 - Introduction
Why the discovery process must shift from the salesperson's to the buyer's.
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 2 - The Process
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 2 - The Process
Introduces a new framework for effective sales conversations that moves a buyer to making a discovery and commitment to move forward.
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 3 - Using the DC2 Framework
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 3 - Using the DC2 Framework
Uses a case study to show a salesperson would prepare for a discovery conversation.
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 4 - A Discovery Conversation
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 4 - A Discovery Conversation
Presents the resulting discovery conversation in the form of a video call.
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 5 - What Just Happened?
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective 5 - What Just Happened?
Reinforces the use of the DC2 Framework by interactively examining the call just seen and summarizes how each part of the framework was used in this example.
Discovery with a Buyer's Perspective

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$19.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 140 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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