Preparing to Win

Nothing interferes with winning a sale like a meeting gone wrong, something you can usually avoid with proper preparation. This two-part course focuses on what you need to know about your customer before you meet and how to prepare for meetings that will effectively help you achieve your objectives.
Prerequisites: Knowing the Customer's Buying Process, Hidden Competitor

Keywords: sell, sales, selling, salesperson, salespeople, meetings, preparation, win deals, win rate

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Preparing to Win

Preparing to Win 1 - Preparation is King
Preparing to Win 1 - Preparation is King
 Makes a compelling case for why a salesperson should never go on a sales call unprepared
Preparing to Win 2 - Preparation Essentials
Preparing to Win 2 - Preparation Essentials
 Focuses on the specific preparation needed to sell with a buyer's perspective
Preparing to Win

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$4.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 136 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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