Business Acumen in Sales

What motivates business buyers?  How do you gain their respect and persuade them that value you offer is exactly what they need? Few sales tactics are more effective than having a real business conversation with a prospective buyer. This 13-part course on how business works provides the knowledge and background needed to 'think and speak business' when engaging with Customers. 

Keywords: business, acumen, selling, sales, sales acumen, business acumen, money, Profit, financial concept, margin, Income statement, balance sheet, Supply Chain, marketing, market, finance

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Business Acumen in Sales

Business Acumen 1 - Business Basics
Business Acumen 1 - Business Basics
Introduces the basic goal of business: to make a profit and grow.
Business Acumen 2 - How Businesses Grow
Business Acumen 2 - How Businesses Grow
Describes four common strategies for business growth
Business Acumen 3 - Why Businesses Change
Business Acumen 3 - Why Businesses Change
Reveals the external and internal pressures that can cause a business to make a change in a product or service provider
Business Acumen 4 - Who Does What in a Business?
Business Acumen 4 - Who Does What in a Business?
Explains how companies are typically organized and the differences between operational, management and executive levels
Business Acumen 5 - What Customers Want
Business Acumen 5 - What Customers Want
Describes five business objectives Customers typically want a salesperson to help them achieve
Business Acumen 6 - Understanding the Supply Chain
Business Acumen 6 - Understanding the Supply Chain
A primer on what the supply chain is and why it matters. (Best for organizations interacting with the supply chain.)
Business Acumen 7 - Financial Concepts Part 1
Business Acumen 7 - Financial Concepts Part 1
Sooner or later, it comes down to the numbers. Introduces basic financial concepts associated with a profit/loss or income statement
Business Acumen 8 - Financial Concepts Part 2
Business Acumen 8 - Financial Concepts Part 2
Continues introducing financial concepts to include those associated with the balance sheet and return on investment
Business Acumen 9 - Profit Impactors
Business Acumen 9 - Profit Impactors
Five strategies businesses often follow to increase their profits
Business Acumen 10 - More of What Customers Want
Business Acumen 10 - More of What Customers Want
More business objectives customers often look to salespeople to help them achieve
Business Acumen 11 - Financial Reports
Business Acumen 11 - Financial Reports
Reveals the abundance of situational knowledge contained in a financial report and where to find it
Business Acumen 12 - Understanding Routes to Market
Business Acumen 12 - Understanding Routes to Market
An introduction to the various means businesses use to get their products and services to buyer
Business Acumen 13 - Supply Chain Management
Business Acumen 13 - Supply Chain Management
A closer look at the supply chain and key approaches to managing it. (Best for organizations interacting with the supply chain)
Business Acumen in Sales

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$49.99 ( Per License )

Visited: 115 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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