Becoming a Value Creator

Selling on price inevitably drives the price down. But why talk price at all?  Buyers are no longer impressed with product features and benefits. They want the value that will help them become more profitable, increase their productivity and grow their business. This in-depth program includes six courses that show you how to create the value they seek, build stakeholder consensus around that value, and negotiate the best possible deal by offering them value — not discounts. 

Prerequisite: Knowing the Customer's Buying Process 

Keywords: sales, value, trusted advisor, value creator, create value, trust, sales executives, salespeople, salesperson, Negotiation, consensus, strategy, executive, senior manager, margin, depreciation, ROI, finance, Supply Chain, win:win, win/win

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Becoming a Value Creator

Business Acumen 1 - Business Basics
Business Acumen 1 - Business Basics
Introduces the basic goal of business: to make a profit and grow.
Business Acumen 2 - How Businesses Grow
Business Acumen 2 - How Businesses Grow
Describes four common strategies for business growth
Business Acumen 3 - Why Businesses Change
Business Acumen 3 - Why Businesses Change
Reveals the external and internal pressures that can cause a business to make a change in a product or service provider
Business Acumen 4 - Who Does What in a Business?
Business Acumen 4 - Who Does What in a Business?
Explains how companies are typically organized and the differences between operational, management and executive levels
Business Acumen 5 - What Customers Want
Business Acumen 5 - What Customers Want
Describes five business objectives Customers typically want a salesperson to help them achieve
Business Acumen 6 - Understanding the Supply Chain
Business Acumen 6 - Understanding the Supply Chain
A primer on what the supply chain is and why it matters. (Best for organizations interacting with the supply chain.)
Business Acumen 7 - Financial Concepts Part 1
Business Acumen 7 - Financial Concepts Part 1
Sooner or later, it comes down to the numbers. Introduces basic financial concepts associated with a profit/loss or income statement
Business Acumen 8 - Financial Concepts Part 2
Business Acumen 8 - Financial Concepts Part 2
Continues introducing financial concepts to include those associated with the balance sheet and return on investment
Business Acumen 9 - Profit Impactors
Business Acumen 9 - Profit Impactors
Five strategies businesses often follow to increase their profits
Business Acumen 10 - More of What Customers Want
Business Acumen 10 - More of What Customers Want
More business objectives customers often look to salespeople to help them achieve
Business Acumen 11 - Financial Reports
Business Acumen 11 - Financial Reports
Reveals the abundance of situational knowledge contained in a financial report and where to find it
Business Acumen 12 - Understanding Routes to Market
Business Acumen 12 - Understanding Routes to Market
An introduction to the various means businesses use to get their products and services to buyer
Business Acumen 13 - Supply Chain Management
Business Acumen 13 - Supply Chain Management
A closer look at the supply chain and key approaches to managing it. (Best for organizations interacting with the supply chain)
Money Matters 1 - Understanding Margins
Money Matters 1 - Understanding Margins
 Businesspeople often worry about their margins. What a margin is and how to calculate one.
Money Matters 2 - Working With Percentages
Money Matters 2 - Working With Percentages
 Percentages are everywhere in business, but can be tricky. How to understand and calculate percentage
Money Matters 3 - The Effect of Time on Money
Money Matters 3 - The Effect of Time on Money
 Explores inflation, interest, and the impact of time on value as well as numbers.
Money Matters 4 - Calculating ROI
Money Matters 4 - Calculating ROI
Any buyer is looking for a good return on investment. What ROI is and how to calculate it.
Money Matters 5 - An Introduction to Depreciation and Capex
Money Matters 5 - An Introduction to Depreciation and Capex
 Essential knowledge if your product/service is considered a capital investment
Selling to the Customer's Business Strategy 1 - What is Business Strategy?
Selling to the Customer's Business Strategy 1 - What is Business Strategy?
 Explains why companies have business strategies and the difference between a goal, a strategy, and a tactic.
Selling to the Customer's Business Strategy 2 - Why Role Levels Matter
Selling to the Customer's Business Strategy 2 - Why Role Levels Matter
Describes how awareness of a company's business strategy and relationship to it changes at different role levels
Selling to the Customer's Business Strategy 3 - Navigating the Strategy
Selling to the Customer's Business Strategy 3 - Navigating the Strategy
Demonstrates how to bring a company's business strategy into a sales conversation with stakeholders at the various levels
Gaining Consensus 1 - What is Consensus and Why is it so Important?
Gaining Consensus 1 - What is Consensus and Why is it so Important?
Defines 'consensus' and the impact of multiple stakeholders in the buying room
Gaining Consensus 2 - The Challenges of Gaining Consensus
Gaining Consensus 2 - The Challenges of Gaining Consensus
Focuses on some obstacles to consensus and what salespeople need to consider as they think about the buying room
Gaining Consensus 3 - How to Gain Consensus
Gaining Consensus 3 - How to Gain Consensus
General steps to take to work toward consensus, including how to identify  a change champion who can work internally on your behalf
Gaining Consensus 4 - Gaining Consensus in Why Change? and Change to What?
Gaining Consensus 4 - Gaining Consensus in Why Change? and Change to What?
Specific approaches and actions to take when working with a stakeholders on the right side of the Buying Clock
Gaining Consensus 5 - Gaining Consensus in Change to Who? And Commit to Change
Gaining Consensus 5 - Gaining Consensus in Change to Who? And Commit to Change
Specific approaches and actions to take when working with stakeholders on the left side of the Buying Clock
Selling to Senior Management 1 - Navigating the Hierarchy
Selling to Senior Management 1 - Navigating the Hierarchy
Reveals what's different about the way those at the executive level think and plan compared to other organization levels and how to gain an introduction to senior management
Selling to Senior Management 2 - Preparing For a Meeting
Selling to Senior Management 2 - Preparing For a Meeting
Explores how to adjust your preparation to be most effective when meeting with senior management
Selling to Senior Management 3 - At the Meeting
Selling to Senior Management 3 - At the Meeting
Shows what to do— and not to do — to gain the best results from a meeting with senior management
They Win You Win 1 - How Can You Both Win?
They Win You Win 1 - How Can You Both Win?
What a win:win negotiation is, why it's preferred, and the stages involved in reaching one
They Win You Win 2 - Preparing For Both to Win
They Win You Win 2 - Preparing For Both to Win
 Describes in detail the first two stages in the negotiating process: initial thoughts and preparation.
They Win You Win 3 - Recognizing Styles and Tone
They Win You Win 3 - Recognizing Styles and Tone
 Explores the five common negotiating styles, how to recognize and work with, and when a change of style is a good idea
They Win You Win 4 - The Winning Meeting
They Win You Win 4 - The Winning Meeting
 A detailed discussion of the final three steps in the negotiating process: the discussion agreement, and follow-up.
Becoming a Value Creator

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