Being a Value Creator

Buyers may act like they are driven by price, but what they are really looking for is value. Does your product or service benefit them enough to be worth the cost? Effective salespeople do more than offer value, though. They create it. This four-part course shows you what that means and how to effectively create value to close more sales.

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, value, create value, offer value, add value, buyer, Customer, win deals

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Being a Value Creator

Being a Value Creator 1 - Understanding Value
Being a Value Creator 1 - Understanding Value
Defines what value is in everyday terms
Being a Value Creator 2 - Using Value
Being a Value Creator 2 - Using Value
Shows when and how value is often exchanged, and defines adding value and creating value 
Being a Value Creator 3 - Adding and Creating Value
Being a Value Creator 3 - Adding and Creating Value
Highlights the differences between offering, adding and creating value, clarifying how they have an increasingly greater impact on the customer.
Being a Value Creator 4 - Becoming a Value Creator
Being a Value Creator 4 - Becoming a Value Creator
Compares a typical sales approach with creating value and shows how to create value for any customer
Being a Value Creator

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Visited: 84 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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