Pipeline Management

 You may check your pipeline every day, but do you know everything it can tell you about what's working and what's not? This three-part course introduces the concept of a sales pipeline, and shows you how to read your pipeline to make the right adjustments to close more sales and hit your targets.

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, buyer, Pipeline, flow, funnel, deals

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Pipeline Management

Pipeline Management 1 - What is a Pipeline?
Pipeline Management 1 - What is a Pipeline?
 | • An animated story about two brothers introduces the concept of a sales pipeline
Pipeline Management 2 - Filling a Pipeline
Pipeline Management 2 - Filling a Pipeline
 What the shape of a pipeline can reveal about why a salesperson is or is not hitting their sales targets
Pipeline Management 3 - Using a Pipeline
Pipeline Management 3 - Using a Pipeline
 Focuses on data and metrics reflected in a pipeline and some common mistakes made when making decisions based on a pipeline
Pipeline Management

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$14.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 82 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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