Opening and Closing Meetings

Knowing how to open and close meetings can be as important to the outcome as what happens in between and can even make the difference in how your opportunity moves forward. In this two-part course, you'll learn why 'opening is the new closing' plus the techniques that will make an impact at both ends of the meeting.
Prerequisite: Knowing the Customer's Buying Process

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, buyer, Customer, meeting, open meeting, close meeting, stories, meeting preparation, commitment

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Opening and Closing Meetings

Opening and Closing Meetings 1 - Opening Meetings
Opening and Closing Meetings 1 - Opening Meetings
 Learn the three elements of a strong meeting opening and how to put them into practice.
Opening and Closing Meetings 2 - Closing Meetings
Opening and Closing Meetings 2 - Closing Meetings
 Reveals how to end a meeting with a commitment that keeps momentum moving forward.
Opening and Closing Meetings

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$9.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 126 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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