Money Matters

Business and sales are about numbers. You can't have a meaningful business conversation without it; yet many people lack confidence in their math skills. This five-part course is a fun and engaging basic business math tutorial focused on concepts often encountered in sales calls. It won't hurt a bit, we promise!

Keywords: buyer, Customer, salesperson, Business Math, ROI, margin, depreciation, inflation, Interest, capex, business calculations

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Money Matters

Money Matters 1 - Understanding Margins
Money Matters 1 - Understanding Margins
 Businesspeople often worry about their margins. What a margin is and how to calculate one.
Money Matters 2 - Working With Percentages
Money Matters 2 - Working With Percentages
 Percentages are everywhere in business, but can be tricky. How to understand and calculate percentage
Money Matters 3 - The Effect of Time on Money
Money Matters 3 - The Effect of Time on Money
 Explores inflation, interest, and the impact of time on value as well as numbers.
Money Matters 4 - Calculating ROI
Money Matters 4 - Calculating ROI
Any buyer is looking for a good return on investment. What ROI is and how to calculate it.
Money Matters 5 - An Introduction to Depreciation and Capex
Money Matters 5 - An Introduction to Depreciation and Capex
 Essential knowledge if your product/service is considered a capital investment
Money Matters

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Price :

$19.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 123 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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