Having Difficult Customer Conversations

Maybe your Customer wants a greater discount or your company has raised its rates. Those are just two reasons you might need to have a difficult conversation with a Customer. Whatever the reason, you want to handle these conversations to have a positive outcome. This four-part course reveals how to handle the uncomfortable conversations that inevitably arise. Focused on Customers but could apply anywhere.

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, buyer, Customer, Problem, conflict, difficult conversation, Personality

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Having Difficult Customer Conversations

Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 1 - Get Started
Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 1 - Get Started
Why handling issues well matters
Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 2 - Know Who You Are Talking To
Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 2 - Know Who You Are Talking To
Shows how to tailor the conversation to the Customer's personality style
Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 3 - The Conversation
Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 3 - The Conversation
A case study that reveals how to best conduct the actual conversation
Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 4 - Wrapping Up the Conversation
Having Difficult Conversations With Your Customers 4 - Wrapping Up the Conversation
 How to use conflict resolution techniques to achieve a satisfactory outcome for all
Having Difficult Customer Conversations

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Price :

$19.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 207 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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