Handling Complaints
What happens when a customer complains to you about something you may or may not even have anything to do with? You represent your company so you need to handle the situation well. This four-part course shows you how to handle complaints in a positive way that resolves the situation and keeps the customer happy — so they stay your customer!
Keywords: sell, sales, salesperson, Customer, buyer, Complaints, resolve complaints, resolution, handling complaints
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Handling Complaints
Handling Complaints 1 - When a Customer Complains
Defines a complaint and how to know when something a Customer says is actually a complaint and not something else.
Handling Complaints 2 - Complaints Are an Opportunity
Reveals some statistics about the behavior of complaining Customers and introduces a process for responding to them
Handling Complaints 3 - Complaint Handling Process
Walks through a branching scenario to explore the complaint handling process
Handling Complaints 4 - Complaint Handling Skills
Discusses the soft skills necessary to be able to handle complaints effectively
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