Dealing with Procurement

In today's competitove business landscape, successful interactions with procurement professionals are crucial for suppliers. This four-part course delves into the intricacies of procurement, equipping you with practical strategies to navigate this critical function.

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, procurement, Negotiation, Krajic Matrix

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Dealing with Procurement

Dealing with Procurement 1 - What is Procurement?
Dealing with Procurement 1 - What is Procurement?
In this module, you will learn what procurement is, how the function operates, and what they do in the customer's buying process.
Dealing with Procurement 2 - What Drives Procurement?
Dealing with Procurement 2 - What Drives Procurement?
Understand procurement key drivers, how they differ from other stakeholders, how to research and how to win over procurement
Dealing with Procurement 3 - Positioning With Procurement
Dealing with Procurement 3 - Positioning With Procurement
Learn how to understand how Procurement perceives you as a supplier, understand how important you are to your customer's business, and how that affects procurement behaviour towards you and how to respond
Dealing with Procurement 4 - Succeeding With Procurement
Dealing with Procurement 4 - Succeeding With Procurement
Understand how to see a sales engagement from the perspective of procurement, build a mutually beneficial relationship with them, prepare for meetings with them, demonstrate added value and get them on your side.
Dealing with Procurement

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$19.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 99 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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