Account Management

Each of your B2B customers is an account, and several opportunities may exist within a single account. This three-part course shows how to grow your Share of Wallet (SOW) by finding opportunities within each of your accounts that you might not even be aware of.

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, account, account management, account plan, share of wallet, SOW, Revenue

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Account Management

Account Management 1 - What is Account Management?
Account Management 1 - What is Account Management?
How an account plan is different from a portfolio or opportunity plan and why increasing 'Share of Wallet' isn't the only goal of an account plan.
Account Management 2 - Building an Account Management Plan
Account Management 2 - Building an Account Management Plan
Reveals five steps to identifying and prioritizing opportunities within an account.
Account Management 3 - Time is Money
Account Management 3 - Time is Money
 Through the use of a game, you'll explore an example company to show the importance of analyzing data to identify the right opportunities.
Account Management

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Price :

$14.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 63 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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