Hidden Competitor

Has your buyer ever seemed like a mystery? There is something blocking the sale, but you're not sure what. Often, their stated reasons are not the real drivers behind their resistance. This four-part course reveals the hidden reasons a buyer might be resistant to change and how to address them so the buyer can embrace your solution.
Prerequisite: Knowing the Customer's Buying Process

Keywords: sales, selling, salesperson, buyer's perspective, competition, buying process, hidden agenda

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Hidden Competitor

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Hidden Competitor 1 - Identifying Your Competitor
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Shows how to move forward with a buyer — and addresses the Hidden Competitor — by gaining and using situational knowledge about the buyer's business, challenges and goals.
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Hidden Competitor 4 - Compete Against the Hidden Competitor
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Hidden Competitor

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$19.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 87 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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